Board Meeting Minutes (4/5/17)

  • Board applications

    • 6 received! Keep them coming! Deadline is Tuesday, 4/11

  • Formation team

    • About 1:30 min out of 3:00 min so far

    • Booking space for formation team where we can

  • Treasury

    • Got $1500 from CSGB for Nationals

    • Still reaching out to JCCC

  • T-shirts and jackets

    • Seem to be on schedule this time

    • Jackets paid for already

  • Team speakers

    • On their way, should be here soon

  • MIT

    • Housing and travel form sent out, closes next Wednesday, 4/12

  • Harvard feedback

    • Will hopefully get the letter sent out at the end of the week

  • West Coast Swing workshop

  • Friday Night Fever, 4th Anniversary!!!

  • Days on Campus

    • Tabling this Sunday, 4/9 in Roone from 12:45 pm - 2:30 pm

  • Leads and Follows Night

    • Probably will happen Friday, 4/14

  • EOY Party

    • Possibly Oscars themed with a fashion show and red carpet and black-and-white photoshoot backdrop

  • Spirit week

    • Week of MIT, have themed classes and practices (e.g. Standard class in your PJ’s, 80’s workout-themed Latin class, blue and white Wednesday practice)

  • Website

  • Newcomers

    • Workshop today

    • Newcomer rounds for MIT likely after newcomer workshops on Wednesday, 4/26

  • Mentorship

    • Open mentor workshops almost all scheduled in, keep your eye out for those Facebook events!

  • Salsa

    • Salsa office hours to be discontinued, nobody came the past two weeks

  • BADC

    • Starting to reach out to judges

    • Looking into getting a deck captain