Board Meeting Minutes (2/8/17)

  • Team iPod

    • New music finally on there!

  • VDay Gala

    • Bach Society is performing, still working on the music

    • Quartet plays live music for first half, then Latin playlist for second half?

    • There will be showcases

    • Will start working on flyers soon

  • Formation team

    • 3 couples, first rehearsal happened

  • T-shirts

    • Complicated situation

  • Competition

    • Considering new ticket policy, more details to be announced soon

  • Space

    • Latin space is slightly better

  • Guest list

    • Putting together

  • FNF

    • 17th! Form will be sent out probably after UPenn

  • Newcomers

    • Newcomer workshop last week went well

    • Tonight: 1 hr comp workshop, 1 hr newcomer rounds

  • Mentorship

    • Comp buddy form closed, matches to be made tomorrow

  • Salsa

    • Outings to be planned soon