Board Meeting Minutes (2/15/17)

  • Formation team

    • Things are going great - 3 committed couples

    • Choreo proceeding very quickly, goal to perform at EOY showcase

  • FNF

    • This Friday, the 17th!

    • 28 people signed up so far

  • Apparel

    • Almost done distributing what we have in terms of shirts and jackets

    • Will be putting out an order form for jackets soon

    • Will be starting t-shirt design contest soon

  • UPenn

    • Logistics went amazingly

    • Team spirit was so good

    • Send in your results!

  • Harvard

    • Travel and housing form already sent out - check your emails! Due next Wednesday, 2/22

    • Newcomer competition workshop: Wednesday, March 1st

  • Space

    • Still working on booking practice spaces

    • Lerner guest list being put together

  • Valentine’s Day Gala

    • Flyering in progress

    • Schedule being finalized

    • There will be an afterparty - check Facebook

  • Milvets Class

    • Next week, taught by James

  • CU Ballroom Instagram

    • Being revitalized - check it out!

    • Instagram contest to be announced

  • Newcomers

    • Gauging interest for another shoe shopping trip before Harvard

  • Mentorship

    • 35 people signed up so far

    • Form closes on Friday

  • NYU-Columbia mixer

    • Potential event for after spring break

  • Salsa

    • Potentially a salsa outing at Stepping Out next Saturday, 2/25

    • Looking to partner with other clubs on campus for social dancing events

    • Salsa office hours during Wednesday practices

    • Gauging interest on a salsa formation team, looking for potential choreographers

  • BADC

    • Advance calendaring form to be submitted soon for BADC 2017