Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes (2/22/17)

  • Mentorship

    • Matches are done! Thanks Samantha!

  • Salsa

    • Next Salsa Brunch is March 11th

    • Stepping Out also has a salsa event this Friday, 2/24

    • Contacting Sabor and Bachata Dance Social about collaborations

    • Salsa office hours probably Sunday

    • Salsa formation team - looking for a choreo

  • Formation team

    • Things are looking good, potentially adding more couples :)

  • Competitions

    • Harvard travel/housing form closed tonight

    • Harvard o2cm registration closes Friday, 2/24

    • Considering going to Rutgers in place of Harvard next year

    • Going to be noticing how Harvard goes and debrief after

  • Space

    • Wednesday spaces secured

    • Looking to get Sunday space

    • Checking up on guest lists next week

  • ValGal

    • A great success!

  • Event Ideas

    • Collaboration with Sabor, Bachata Dance Social, CU Swing (the Frim Fram)

    • Columbia-NYU mixer

    • Project Tutors - fundraiser event - performance

  • MilVets workshop

    • Went well! First-time dancers were really good

    • 5 MilVets, many more CU Ballroom people

    • A couple people are going to join!

  • Instagram contest

    • No entries yet - will make Facebook post to publicize

  • Shoe-shopping trip

    • This Saturday around lunchtime

Board Meeting Minutes (2/15/17)

  • Formation team

    • Things are going great - 3 committed couples

    • Choreo proceeding very quickly, goal to perform at EOY showcase

  • FNF

    • This Friday, the 17th!

    • 28 people signed up so far

  • Apparel

    • Almost done distributing what we have in terms of shirts and jackets

    • Will be putting out an order form for jackets soon

    • Will be starting t-shirt design contest soon

  • UPenn

    • Logistics went amazingly

    • Team spirit was so good

    • Send in your results!

  • Harvard

    • Travel and housing form already sent out - check your emails! Due next Wednesday, 2/22

    • Newcomer competition workshop: Wednesday, March 1st

  • Space

    • Still working on booking practice spaces

    • Lerner guest list being put together

  • Valentine’s Day Gala

    • Flyering in progress

    • Schedule being finalized

    • There will be an afterparty - check Facebook

  • Milvets Class

    • Next week, taught by James

  • CU Ballroom Instagram

    • Being revitalized - check it out!

    • Instagram contest to be announced

  • Newcomers

    • Gauging interest for another shoe shopping trip before Harvard

  • Mentorship

    • 35 people signed up so far

    • Form closes on Friday

  • NYU-Columbia mixer

    • Potential event for after spring break

  • Salsa

    • Potentially a salsa outing at Stepping Out next Saturday, 2/25

    • Looking to partner with other clubs on campus for social dancing events

    • Salsa office hours during Wednesday practices

    • Gauging interest on a salsa formation team, looking for potential choreographers

  • BADC

    • Advance calendaring form to be submitted soon for BADC 2017

Board Meeting Minutes (2/8/17)

  • Team iPod

    • New music finally on there!

  • VDay Gala

    • Bach Society is performing, still working on the music

    • Quartet plays live music for first half, then Latin playlist for second half?

    • There will be showcases

    • Will start working on flyers soon

  • Formation team

    • 3 couples, first rehearsal happened

  • T-shirts

    • Complicated situation

  • Competition

    • Considering new ticket policy, more details to be announced soon

  • Space

    • Latin space is slightly better

  • Guest list

    • Putting together

  • FNF

    • 17th! Form will be sent out probably after UPenn

  • Newcomers

    • Newcomer workshop last week went well

    • Tonight: 1 hr comp workshop, 1 hr newcomer rounds

  • Mentorship

    • Comp buddy form closed, matches to be made tomorrow

  • Salsa

    • Outings to be planned soon

Board Meeting Minutes (2/1/17)

  • Leads and Follows Night

    • Pushed till after UPenn

  • Shoe Shopping Trip

    • Sunday, 11:30 am

  • Rounds

    • Sunday, 3-4 pm

    • Pizza party afterwards

  • Competition Workshop

    • Wednesday at practice

  • Bachata lesson

    • Friday before FNF on 17th

  • Valentine’s Gala

    • Photobooth!

    • Waiting to hear back on showcases

    • Waiting to hear back from live music groups

  • Mentorship

    • Comp buddy system looking to be set up for UPenn - open the form tomorrow and close on Tuesday

  • Competitions

    • Ticket buying went well

    • Comp email to be sent on Wednesday 2/8

  • Apparel

    • Few people still haven’t picked up jackets

  • Space

    • Sent in form to join CU Performing Arts League - will hopefully help us negotiate with other groups for Latin space

    • Two more days booked in Hillel

  • Salsa

    • Salsa Brunch is really awesome - could arrange a salsa track outing to Salsa Brunch

  • BADC

    • Recruitment in March for next year’s BADC board - get hyped

Board Meeting Minutes (1/25/17)

  • New board members joined us for their first meeting!

  • Class/Supervising Schedules

    • Finalized

  • Formation team

    • When2meet form posted in formation team group

    • Interest form to be sent out in 1/29 listserv

    • We are marching ahead with this

  • Team ipod

    • New music to be added very soon (finally)

  • Treasury

    • Dues collection starting on Monday, 1/30

    • Deadline is Jan 31st for those going to UPenn and for returning mentors/mentees

    • Deadline is Feb 10th for newcomers joining mentorship

    • Deadline is Feb 17th for everyone else

  • Apparel

    • Jackets finally arrived, pick yours up if you haven't already!

  • Space

    • Situation is dire for Latin space

    • Standard and salsa is settled

  • Valentine’s Day Gala

    • 2/18, a fun get-together with dancing, food, and (hopefully) live music!

  • Newcomer events and ideas

    • Newcomer rounds

    • Newcomer meetup

    • Shoe shopping trip

    • Leads and follows night

    • Pre-comp workshop

    • Find out who newcomers are when collecting dues, send them personalized welcome email

  • Salsa

    • Be present at salsa please!

    • Salsa office hours making a comeback?

    • Outings need to be calendared in - make it a club-wide thing, not just a salsa thing

Board Meeting Minutes (1/18/17)

  • Board interviews

    • Interviews underway, new board members to be announced soon

  • Class and supervising schedules

    • Will be filled out once spaces are confirmed and new board joins

    • Free classes will be offered the week of 1/23 as well as 1/30

  • Formation team

    • When2meet and interest form to be sent out

  • Showcase

    • Schedule set

    • AV confirmed

  • No more floor fee this semester

  • BADC

    • President & Provost reconciled, should be receiving reimbursement in a bit

  • Calendar

    • Shoe shopping and pre-comp workshops to happen before Penn

    • Also casual hangout for newcomers sometime before Penn

  • Apparel

    • Arrived, need to pick up from advisor

  • Penn

    • Form will be extended for newcomers only, deadline for everyone else is Friday, 1/27

  • Newcomer workshops

    • Will likely resume next week

Board Meeting Minutes (12/8/16)

  • Salsa outing

    • Happening on third weekend of December

  • Cookie study break

    • Wednesday 12/14, 8:00 pm

  • Apparel

    • Shirts shipped 12/2

    • Jackets taking 2-3 weeks from 12/1, should arrive before 12/20

  • MAC

    • Archive for everyone’s competition results -- how can we do it on the website?

    • Making signs for people when cheering at comps?

    • Sign-making event? Get supplies + have a party for making signs + people keep them themselves

    • Banner competition

  • Holiday party

    • Food and drinks: chips, cookies, fruits/vegetable platter, cheese and crackers

    • Lineup finalized, schedule being sent to performers

    • Picking up supplies at 8:30 pm on Monday

Board Meeting Minutes (12/1/16)

  • Discussing board next semester

    • Wednesday 12/7 10:00 pm

  • Apparel orders

    • Problems

    • Hopefully will be here before we get out for break

  • Early dues for next semester

    • Starting to reach out to people to see if they’re interested

  • MAC

    • Need USA Dance membership numbers from everyone

  • BADC

    • Computer volunteers probably no longer needed

    • Going tomorrow to Dig Inn to ask for food

    • Programs being printed tomorrow

    • Lots of things to be printed

  • End of Semester Party

    • Need to send in A/V and furniture requests

    • Negotiating with Wind Ensemble to figure out earliest setup time

    • Showcases set

  • Mentorship

    • Open mentor form to be sent out after finals

    • Will probably not be feasible to do ticket reimbursements next semester

Board Meeting Minutes (11/17/16)

  • Formation team

    • Finally meeting on Monday

    • Will discuss if still feasible to perform at EOY showcase

  • Salsa outings

    • 3rd Saturday of December likely

    • Salsa social event open to public? Likely in Wien Lounge, probably charge small entrance fee to non-CUBDC people

  • Thanksgiving team dinner this weekend?

  • Space

    • Practice space requested for spring semester

  • Mentorship

    • Open mentor workshops are set - keep an eye out for them!

  • Salsa formation

    • Likely happening next semester

  • BADC

    • Posters are ready, start distributing them next week

    • Anna, Katie, Selina joining BADC team

    • Other operations are rolling

    • Promoting ticket sales

    • Practice space in Broadway, coat check in Broadway lobby, suitcases in West Ramp Lounge

  • Apparel

    • Hopefully will order soon

Board Meeting Minutes (11/10/16)

Board Meeting Minutes (11/3/16)

  • Enough Is Enough training

    • Thanks to everyone who came!

  • Formation team

    • First practice time set

    • Music set

  • FNF (11/4)

    • All set for tomorrow! See you all there!

  • FNF (11/18)

    • Collegiate night - will be reaching out to other teams

  • Team apparel orders

    • Orders being accepted still - we have awesome jackets and t-shirts

  • DCDI

    • Great job everyone!

    • Send in comp results if you haven’t already

    • Wrapping up last details

  • CLASS Collaboration

    • Reaching out for people to teach

  • Mentorship

    • Open mentor workshops currently being scheduled for the rest of semester

  • Salsa formation team

    • Meeting tomorrow after salsa for real this time

  • BADC

    • 350 people registered so far!

    • Logistics are rolling

Board Meeting Minutes (10/27/16)

  • Formation team

    • Met on Sunday

    • Will be a bronze/silver level chacha choreo

    • Working on finalizing music

    • 2 hours practice each week

  • FNF

    • Collegiate Night Fb event to be made this week

  • Salsa outings

    • To be planned soon!

  • Enough Is Enough sexual respect training

    • Thursday, November 3rd, 7-8 pm

    • Please attend if you can! Required for all people competing with the club

  • DCDI

    • Precomp email sent!

    • GroupMe’s made for the trips

    • Housing assignments sent!

    • Thanks Anna!

  • Space

    • Precalendaring requests submitted

  • CLASS Collaboration

    • After DCDI, finding people to teach salsa or chacha for the event

  • Workshops

    • Few more to be held this semster, look forward to them!

  • Salsa formation team

    • Asking for salsa track people - looking for 3 couples

  • BADC

    • Poster is done

    • Housing deadline for other teams to request is November 20th

    • If you are in mentorship track, you are required to sign up to house people and volunteer at the comp! Please sign up!

Board Meeting Minutes (10/20/16)

  • Welcome Laura as our Publicity Coordinator!

  • Formation team

    • Meeting on Sunday 10/23 to talk about plans

    • Will likely have a choreo for newer dancers and another choreo for more experienced dancers

  • FNF

    • Will be publicizing and going to the 11/4 Rhythm Break Cares FNF

    • Will be cosponsoring the collegiate night FNF on 11/18

  • Salsa outings

    • Will be planned this week

  • Enough is Enough required training

    • Thursday 11/3, 7-8 pm

    • Please attend if you can!

  • Colin and Aya workshop

    • This Sunday 10/23!

  • Princeton

    • Details just about wrapped up

  • DCDI

    • Will be buying tickets for travel soon

    • Precomp email to be sent out next Thursday

    • Most people want to keep costumes

    • All team dresses will be returned after DCDI

    • Team match couples set

  • Lerner guest list

    • Submitted

  • CLASS collaboration

    • Will be looking for people interested in teaching soon

  • Mentorship

    • Mentorship assignments were released! Thanks Samantha!

  • BADC

    • Scrutineer is set!

    • Early registration closing soon

    • President and Provost Fund app sent in

Board Meeting Minutes (10/13/16)

  • Formation team

    • Following up with choreographer

  • Leads and Follows Night

    • Planning with hosts on logistics

    • Working on inviting other club members who currently aren’t on the guest list

  • FNF

    • 11/4 sponsored by Rhythm Break Cares!

    • Looking to cosponsor with USA Dance on 11/11

  • Bachata Workshop

    • 10/14 at 6 pm!

  • Practice space

    • For non-CUBDC partners of members, instituting $5 floor fee each time they want to use Dodge practice space

  • Costumes

    • Several people requested to have same costumes for DCDI

  • Space

    • Survived the worst weeks for Latin space

    • Rest of the semester is looking good

    • Lerner guest list to be set up soon

  • Collaborations

    • LHM fell through - no performance time for us :(

    • Will reach out for people teaching the CLASS Latin dance class soon

  • Website

    • BADC section updated!

  • Mentorship

    • Matches to be sent out Sunday!

  • BADC

    • Will need lots of help with housing!

    • Registration is open!

    • Scrutineer situation being worked out

Board Meeting Minutes (10/6/16)

  • Formation team

  • Will have a meeting with everyone interested soon to discuss time commitment, what to expect

  • Arts/Humanities Preview

    • Monday 10/10

  • Leads and Follows Night

    • Still confirming hosts

    • Facebook event to follow

    • 8 pm start time

  • FNF

    • Ask about collaborating on college night

    • 11/4?

  • Salsa outings

    • Will calendar in starting next week

  • Bachata workshop before leads/follows night

    • 6-7 pm on Friday 10/14

  • Princeton

    • Pre-comp emails sent out!

    • GroupMe’s being made soon

    • Costume borrowing almost done

    • Competition buddies set

    • TBAs to be organized on train ride there

  • Space

    • Wien ended at 11 pm, moved to in front of Roone

    • Next week Latin in Lerner, will probably move to a reserved space later in the evening

    • Guest lists to be compiled after dues collection finalized

  • CLASS (Columbia Latin American Students Society) Collaboration

    • Need to find teachers

    • Will start reaching out soon

  • Partner match session

    • Lot of people showed up, good number of matches made

  • DCDI

    • Competition form extended to 13th

  • Mentorship

    • Signup forms to be sent out soon!

  • BADC

    • Registration will open on Monday 10/10!

    • Still waiting for responses from judges

    • Still searching for scrutineer

    • Will need lots of help with publicity

    • Need to talk to TIC about showcase tickets

    • Working out vendor situation

    • Housing/volunteering signup to be posted next week

Board Meeting Minutes (9/29/16)

  • Welcome Anna Liu, our new Competition Coordinator!

  • Formation team

    • May possibly have a choreographer?

    • What are the goals? Performance routine

    • FNF performances, on campus performances, CU Ballroom showcases

  • Community standards

    • Drafting in progress

  • Shoe shopping trip

    • Around 11 signups

    • Reminder will be sent out tomorrow

  • Pizza party

    • Currently ~40 ish expected

    • Will order pizza and refreshments accordingly

  • Competition workshop

    • Wednesday 10/5

    • Compiling a list of resources and videos for people who can’t attend

    • Bringing shoes to sell for newcomers

  • Arts/Humanities Preview

    • 11 am - 1 pm, Monday October 10th

    • Showing off to prospective Columbia applicants

  • Leads/Follows Night

    • Saturday 10/15 or 10/22

    • Possibly the Fridays before those two dates as alternatives

  • Updating iPod

    • Happening this week

  • FNF

    • Possible dates: 10/21, 11/4, 11/18

    • 11/4 is Rhythm Break Cares, college collab for other days?

  • Costume closet

    • Done!

  • Princeton

    • 54 signups! WOW!

    • 21 comp buddy signups

    • O2CM registration reminder to be sent out - remember to register on O2CM by tomorrow as well!

    • Meet and greet for comp buddies next week at classes

  • Space

    • Talking to Hillel about getting class times pushed up earlier

    • Booked backup spaces in Lerner for Latin

    • Next week likely in Wien

    • Space confirmed for Saturday’s pizza party

  • Website

    • Search engine results are getting better

    • Monday/Friday classes, newcomer workshops all added to events calendar - use the event calendar!

    • Continuing to work on comp resources page

  • BADC

    • First meeting went well

    • Need to set up O2CM soon

    • Getting the whole BADC guidebook from past board

    • Discussing vendors and TIC with advisor

  • Mentorship

    • Sending out general mentorship applications as people pay dues

  • Partner match info session

    • Consolidating into one day - before Monday class, 9:30 pm

    • Outside of C555

    • Sticker system will be set up before class

Board Meeting Minutes (9/22/16)

  • Board Apps

    • Technically one received, but duplicate with BADC Board, so still none actually received

    • Please apply for ballroom board!

  • USA Dance Meeting

    • Figuring out ways to make MAC more accessible to college teams

    • Team based competition with points earned for each finalist, winner gets 10% off next year’s comp registration

    • Banner competition, each team designs banner and puts it up in practice room

  • Formation Team

    • 14 responses, need more leads

    • Will start reaching out to choreographers soon

  • Smooth mentorship

    • Will add Smooth option to normal mentorship signup form

    • Small side announcement about this will be made

  • Restoning Party

    • Take dresses out and re-stone

    • Pushed to sometime before BADC

  • Putting dresses and supplies in Dodge cabinet

    • Sunday 5:00-5:45 pm

    • Moving dresses to Dodge

    • Inventory supplies, catalogue and hang up dresses

  • Club dinner

    • Saturday, October 1, 5:30 pm

    • Casual event to get the club together and also meet the board

    • Pizza!

  • Shoe shopping trip

    • Saturday, October 1, meet at gates at 11 am

    • Tina leading the trip, eating lunch downtown

  • Competition workshop

    • Wednesday 9/28, 11-12 after the newcomer workshops

    • Printouts of comp tips etc. for newcomers

  • Leads/Follows Night

    • Tentatively sometime between Princeton and DCDI

  • Updating iPod music

    • Clean up waltz playlist

    • Add salsa music

  • Rounds before Princeton

    • Sunday October 2, Thursday October 6

  • Buddy system for Princeton

    • Sending out form in this weekend’s listserv

  • Princeton

    • 19 signups so far

    • Keep publicizing in Facebook group to get people to fill out comp form

    • Hard deadline Wed 28th for club sponsorship of fees, no exceptions

  • Space

    • Hillel secured for Tuesday 9/27

    • Working on securing Barnard space to exchange with another club for Latin

    • All salsa spaces confirmed

  • Collaborations

    • CLASS Latin Dance Night - Mid Nov - teaching a Latin lesson

    • CSC Night Market - reaching out for clarification

    • Latinx Heritage Month - wants us to perform

    • Splash - still need to reach out

    • Office of Undergrad Admissions - arts/humanities preview Monday Oct 10th 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, tabling

  • Website

    • Working on more things this weekend

    • Posting links to newcomer routine videos on website

  • Partner Match

    • Geared towards newcomers, esp for matching for Princeton

    • Still do stickers for higher level

    • Monday before class, 9-10 pm, Oct 3

    • Tuesday before class, 9-10 pm, Oct 4

    • Send out Google form beforehand to get some info before the matches - send out this weekend

  • Mentorship

    • First send out form for open mentors to fill out with their info

    • Then send out email to open mentors with mentorship guidelines and expectations

    • Everyone else gets normal mentorship signup form

  • BADC

    • First BADC Board meeting will be scheduled soon

    • Registration projected to open Oct 10th, smoothing out some issues with getting O2CM set up

    • Still recruiting for assistant coordinators

Board Meeting Minutes (9/15/16)

  • Sexual Respect Initiative

    • Looking to hold a workshop soon

    • Will need to book space

    • Strongly encouraged for first-years, others encouraged to attend

  • Board applications

    • One received, will post in Facebook group to publicize more

  • Instructor follow-up

    • Ask Stanley and Jennifer how they’re splitting classes between them

    • Ask Jennifer about BADC

  • Class/Space Schedule

    • Slight alterations to dances taught in last week of schedule (VWaltz, Paso added)

    • Dues collection starting 19th for returning members

    • Space booking for Latin - Hillel request will be submitted next week (19th)

  • Formation team

    • Have a couple people in mind who can choreograph

    • Also can use old choreo

    • Interest form for interested people - bronze and above

  • Smooth

    • Asking around to see if people are interested in Smooth

    • Could have a Smooth workshop

    • Also could have Smooth mentorship

    • Smooth formation team choreo?

  • Princeton Comp

    • Moving signup form deadline back to Wed 28th to get more newcomer signups

  • Newcomer workshops

    • Newcomer workshop at 10 pm on Wednesdays, workshop teachers set

  • Wardrobe cabinet

    • Assembled but still missing shelf and bar - still waiting

  • Mentorship

    • Standard and Latin partner matching events pushed up to week of Oct 3rd, then look at more matches week of Oct 10th

    • Mentorship sign-up form will be name down on roster for open-level mentors

    • Mentorship matches confirmed for newcomers around Oct 14th

    • Mentorship sign-ups and confirmations will be sent out earlier for returning/upper-level members

  • BADC

    • Meeting with Jennifer to talk about O2CM registration

    • Seeing if can sell tickets outside of TIC

    • Applying to grants around campus

  • Website

    • Work still underway to optimize search engine results, adding content, making corrections

Board Meeting Minutes (9/5/16 -- First Meeting!)

  • Board Meetings - when2meet to be sent out to determine new meeting time

  • Board applications

    • Need a publicity/social media coordinator and comp coordinator/helper

    • Write up description to send out in board app in next listserv

    • Also need newcomer chair, ideally someone who can also teach newcomer workshops

  • Diversity outreach

    • Crystal will start emailing groups this week to invite to showcase

  • Transparency

    • Town hall like last semester to get feedback

    • Organize list of ideas etc. to discuss - push to after Princeton

  • Calendaring/space

    • Once classes are booked, can set up supervising schedule

    • Monday classes confirmed - C555

    • Will book Wien for 4:30-6:00 pm on Fri for salsa, Roone on Tues for Latin

    • Shoe shopping trip on Sat

    • Comp workshop (newcomer rounds) on Saturday

    • Regular pre-Princeton rounds on Sunday, Thursday (with post-practice dinner?)

    • Hair and makeup workshop on Wednesday

    • Book ramp lounges, Broadway for BADC

  • Mentorship

    • Send out forms as dues are paid?

    • Probably won’t have mentors finalized until after Princeton

    • More systematic ways of keeping track of who’s attended comps

    • What if newcomer is stuck with bad mentor? Sam will try to communicate more with each mentor and make sure things are going well

    • If mentee does both styles, do they need to compete in both styles to have it count as a comp? Probably yes

  • Volunteering

    • Currently a few people signed up to help, but need volunteers for activities day

  • Showcase

    • Showcase setup checklist on same sheet as agenda - need to divide up tasks

    • Also need to divide up sign-ins - each student can sign in 3 each

    • In middle of showcase (after 4 performances), have one of the open people do a lesson, then finish with rest of performances and general dancing after

  • New closet

    • Assembled or nah? Also new dresses that need to be catalogued

    • Bags all got

  • Costume cleaning/stoning

    • Combining with board meet and greet/snacks

    • Wednesday Sept 28th

  • Princeton

    • Travel advance submitted, travel/costume request form created

    • Comp buddies - newcomers have someone experienced at the comp to guide them - send out form the weekend before Princeton

    • Google form or Facebook note for people to find a partner for Princeton

  • Partner match

    • List of things to consider in a partnership for newcomers

    • One hour partner match before one of the classes

    • Add partner search to comp form

  • Website

    • Listservs, meeting minutes, board goals in blog, comp results, etc.

    • Make member resources comp pages

    • Research SEO

    • Update website calendar

  • Passport to Columbia

    • Need to find performers

  • Newcomer workshops

    • 10-11 p on Wed

    • Starting week of 26th

  • BADC

    • Floor set up, same time as before

    • 8 judges responded

    • Got a showcase couple

    • Will reach out to UEM to see if we can get Party Space from other club

  • Follows’ practice time together

  • Upper level follows learning lead steps